Some shots of Lake Superior ice caves and sandstone formations near Freda, Michigan.
- 1900 Darcy’s Saloon in Freda
- Champion Mill in Freda
- Champion Stamp Mill Post Card Freda
- 1932 Freda Baseball Team
- Freda Beacon Hill School 1959
- Freda Park Train – Gazette Picture
- Freda Stack
- Freda Stamp Mill in 2009
- Freda Park
- Freda Pavilion
- Graveraet River from Roy Aho
- Hansen Shoppe
- Office Building, Laboratory and Doctor’s Office
Champion B Shaft two Miners, ca 1902-1
Champion Mill Freda in operation-1
Champion Mill Freda_Construction
Champion Mill in Freda Closed 1967
Champion Mill not operating but intact, ca Late 1960s
Champion Mill Office Building 1967
Last Ore Train to Champion Mill
Painesdale Jct. Mill Mine Jct early 1900
Snow Plow Train Sr to Beacon Hill 1902
Champion Mill, Freda Prior to Razing, late 60s
Champion no. 4 Painesdale 1971
Champiuon Mill Crew Early 1960s